*Cheatwell Travel Wild Guess Game

*I received this product for free but the opinions are my own.

I think we can all agree that travelling can be boring and monotonous, especially on long journeys, so I do love a good travel game. Cheatwell Travel Wild Guess* is a game of facts and figures, where guessing the closest to an answer scores points. The aim is to have the most points after 20 guesses. Its just so simple.
Cheatwell Travel Wild Guess Game

The facts and figures are weird and wonderful, so the chances of someone knowing the correct answer are slim, so its a fun guessing game. Here are some of the questions on 1 card:

  1. Approximate the number of million people that share your birthday (I guessed 22 million and the answer is 20 million - not a bad guess if I do say so myself)
  2. Length of Noah's Ark in metres (I guessed 100 metres and the answer is 144.6 metres - again not too far out)
  3. Year the dodo became extinct (I guessed 1875 and the answer is 1662 - I don't really know much history I have to say, so I was pretty far out on this one)
  4. Habitable floors of the Shard (I guessed 75 and the answer is 72 - I think this is going to be my best answer out of all of them and it was a total guess)
  5. Area of San Marino in Square Kilometres (I guessed 50 and the answer is 61.2 kilometres - again a total guess as I had no idea about this one and I wasn't too far out)
  6. Pages in Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace (I guessed 1000 and the answer is 1225 pages - Again I wasn't totally out on this one either)
This game is great fun, and what I love about it is that you can even play it by yourself as its fun going through the cards and testing yourself with them. It definitely passes the time.

The game comes with 84 wild guess cards, answer and score pad, pencils and a dice. It costs £12 from Cheatwell. Its for players 12+.



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