*Stress Flix

*I received this product for free but the opinions are my own.

I dont know about you but when faced with making a decision on what to watch on Netflix I can scroll for ages and still not decide on what to watch which is frustrating.  Stress Flix* is here to help.  This decision dice has 6 different categories - Romance, Comedy, Action, Thriller, Horror & Documentary.

Stress Flix
Just roll the dice and let it pick the category for you and whittle down some of your options.  If you always argue about what to watch, then maybe this is for you as well.  Let the dice decide.  Finally if all else fails use it as a stress ball.
Stress Flix
The Stress Flix* is £9.99 and can be purchased here.  Right, now to let the dice decide, lets roll it and see.  Ok its romance for me, so now to decide which romance movie to watch. I just wish there was something to help with that.



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