*Kikkerland Goat Yoga Party Game

*I received this product for free but the opinions are my own.

Now I'm sure most of you have probably heard of Goat Yoga but I had never actually watched it on YouTube for some reason (and I watch a lot of YouTube). So when I was kindly sent the Kikkerland Goat Yoga Party Game* I went straight onto YouTube to see what all the fuss is about and I have to say I can see the appeal, although sadly I don't think its going to be offered near me any time soon. That being the case the Goat Yoga Party Game is the next best thing.
Goat Yoga Party Game

Goat Yoga Party Game
So what is the Goat Yoga Party Game* I hear you ask? Well it is what it says on the tin (literally). You perform real yoga poses as well as completing ridiculous challenges with the inflatable goat (did I forget to mention there was an inflatable goat with this game). There are some benefits to not using a real live animal (I will leave that to your imagination). The challenges might be to do a Yoga pose while balancing the goat on your head or batting it in the air or even bleating the tune to a song. Its all for fun, although you do keep score so there is a winner at the end (it wouldn't be a game if there was not a winner surely).

The game comes with an inflatable goat, 100 challenge cards and a score pad and pencil. The Goat Yoga Party Game* costs £26 from Firebox.com. Go on you know you want to.



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