Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover For Glitter Review

I love glitter nail polish, In fact I own about 50 of them, but I hardly ever wear them because they are such a pain to remove.  When I visited Paris this year, I took the opportunity to visit Sephora and picked up Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover For Glitter.  Its just like a normal nail polish remover pot except for one thing.  This product has an abrasive strip (Sephora calls it a scrubbing sponge) about a centimetre wide inside the pot.  You can use this product to remove normal polish which it does in a flash, but if you are trying to remove glitter polish then you just rub your nail on the abrasive strip and in about 10 seconds all you are left with is a few dots of glitter which you can scrape off yourself.  Its so much faster and easier than the foil method I find. The abrasive strip is not so harsh that it damages your nails, but just enough so it makes light work of the glitter.  
Sephora Instant Nail Polish Remover For Glitter

Its $9.50 on the US Site here and its €8.95 on the French Sephora site here. Sadly its not available to ship to the UK, so I would advise you to stock up next time you happen upon a Sephora when you are on holiday.  Why oh why do we not have a Sephora in the UK.  I posted about my Sephora Haul here.
I bought this product with my own money


  1. this sounds great!

    from helen at

  2. very nice post. looks like a great product. need to find this soon :)
    great blog, very inspiring
    lets follow eachother! just let me know and I will follow back :)


  3. This sounds amazing! I love glitter polish but hate removing it ;)

  4. We definitely need a sephora store in the uk!

    Happy New Year!

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x


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