Film Reviews and Cineworld Unlimited Card

I love going to the cinema and always have so I have a Cineworld Unlimited card which I've had for a few years now. I pay £15.90 a month (it's slightly more in London) and I can go to the cinema as many times as I want in any Cineworld other than in London. Usually I average 3-4 times a month which makes for a decent saving as I think its around £7-8 per film for an adult now (outside of London). Anyway I went to see a couple of films recently so I thought I would review them. If you like chick flicks/romances than these films are for you.
First I went to see A New York Winters Tale which stars Colin Farrell as a street thief 100 years ago who meets and falls in love with a terminally ill girl. It follows the usual storyline of boy meets & falls in love with girl who is dying, which to be fair has been done many times before. If you can ignore Colins dodgy hair style and you like a cheesy romance than it's a good movie. The first part of the film focuses on this love story and then moves to the modern day where he has somehow travelled through time and doesn't remember anything of his previous life. He has to work out who he is and why he is there. The worst points about this movie are Colin Farrells hair style and Russell Crowes dodgy Irish Accent. The good points are Colin Farrell in general and the romance in the first part of the movie. This is not a movie for the boys and if you manage to drag your boyfriend/partner kudos to you but they will probably hate it.
I then went to see Endless Love.  This is a typical romantic story of boy from wrong side of tracks meets and falls in love with a rich girl, girls father hates boy and does everything he can to break them up which pushes them together even more.  If you are like me and you love a good chick flick than its a good watch. The 2 leads have good chemistry and work well together and you want to see them end up together. I won't spoil the story by telling you the ending but I'm sure you can guess.

Neither of these films are going to win Oscars but if you like a lightweight romance than I would recommend them.

If you go to the cinema more than a couple of times a month and have a Cineworld near you it might be worth looking into the Unlimited Card. There is currently an offer when you can sign up for a year and get the 13th month free if you use this code RAF-92XU-83YM-47CV-85MN (I will also receive a month free if you sign up). 

I did start putting this review together before I received this offer but thought it might be worth adding it in case any of you are interested. The Cineworld website is here if you want to know more. 

One of the great things with this card is that you can now reserve your tickets online and then turn up at the cinema 20 mins before the start time and print them off at the machine rather than queue up to buy tickets. You also don't have to pay any extra for 3D films although you do have to pay for the glasses but I reuse the ones I've bought previously.  They don't cost a lot which is good as I have about 3 pairs as I do forget them.

Finally, if you have a sweet tooth like me you can get 10% off any food and drinks you buy in the cinema and if you have the card over a year you get 25% off which is the perfect excuse for buying nachos or a bag of sweets each time you visit (like I need an excuse).

I hope this doesn't sound like a sales pitch as I really do rate this card and do recommend it if you visit the cinema on a regular basis. It is well worth the money.

Let me know what you think of these films if you've seen them?

The post is not sponsored in anyway and I pay for my unlimited card with my own money each month.


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