Review of 2013

As I look back over 2013, there have been some highs and lows, but overall its been a pretty good year. Here are a few of the highs: Holiday in LA. This really was an interesting place and I can't wait to go back as soon as possible as I didn't even scratch the surface during my 5 day stay. The Viper Room Rodeo Drive Starting my blog. I had been umming and ahhing about starting a blog for a long time, but didn't think I had enough to say and couldn't think of a decent name. Driving down the A1 one day with my sister, we were talking about writing a blog and during the 2 hour journey, thought of a name and the rest is history. Its been a steep learning curve over the last 6 months, but I want to improve the blog in 2014, so keep reading to see what happens. Ollie - I took on a rescue kitten, who I named Ollie (or Oliver when he is naughty). He is such a live wire and I am so pleased to have him. He is so cute. ...