My Goals for 2025
I wanted to write down some goals for 2025, to help me monitor my progress and keep myself accountable. Here is a quick rundown of some of the things that I want to achieve this year: Try to avoid buying anything new and/or full price in 2025. I will allow myself to purchase items from charity shops and repurchase any health and beauty products that I fully run out of, but I do want to become more mindful of my purchases in 2025. Just because something is in the sale, doesn't mean that I have to buy it! Declutter, Declutter, Declutter. I will be shopping my huge stash of products and clothing this year, but I also want to get rid of anything that I can't make use of as well. I will be aiming to sell some things on eBay, Vinted and Depop to recoup some of the money that I have wasted in the past, donating things to charity and also sending some things to be recycled. My bedroom is a hoarders delight right now, with piles of clothes stashed in bags and piles of boxes stashed in b...