Disneyland Paris Haul

I recently visited Disneyland Paris for a few days and thought I would share what I picked up while I was there.
Disneyland Paris Haul
I loved this Alice in Wonderland Cup.  I thought it was so cool that it looks like 3 cups stacked together, but on the inside it's just one cup.  I will be using this plenty of times in winter for my hot chocolate.  This cost €12.99 which is admittedly more then I would normally spend on a cup but it was the last day of my holiday and I had a few spare euros that I didn't want to take back home.  I loved these 2 glasses with the black and white Mickey print so I couldn't resist getting 2.  They were €3.99 each or you could get 4 for €12 which was a good deal, but I thought my chances of getting all this breakable stuff back home in one piece was unlikely so I didn't want to get anything unnecessarily.
Disneyland Paris Haul
Disneyland Paris Haul
This next one is the front and back of my shot glass.  I like to have shot glasses for my Baileys (classy I know) and found this one for €3.99.  I love the creepiness of it.  Doesn't go with anything else I've got but what the hey.
Disneyland Paris Haul
I always like to buy a couple of pins when I go to Disney.  These are the ones I bought this time. I like to get ones with dates on them but I couldn't find one at DLP so I settled on one with the 25th Anniversary on it.  I also liked this case with the different places that have Disney parks.  So far I've visited 3 of them but don't think I will get to the other 3. These were €6.99 and €9.99 although I can't remember which one was which.

Disneyland Paris Haul

I bought a food mat (€4.99) which I will use for my cats food bowls, a water bowl for my cat (€7.99) and this massive marshmallow thing (I know I know but I couldn't help it) it was a sickly sweet as you would expect. That cost €7.99.
Disneyland Paris Haul

Disneyland Paris Haul
I bought a couple of rucksacks for €7.99 each.  I thought these were great as they are really light and can be packed up into a little pack if you aren't using them.  These were great for packing my purchases from Paris and London in for the trip home.
Disneyland Paris Haul

I bought a tote bag as well which was a pressie for my mum.  I can't remember how much it cost I think around €3.99 maybe. I don't have a picture of it undone.
Disneyland Paris Haul
I got a couple of these bags above as they were on offer (as they are for the 25th Anniversary).  These were €3.49 each reduced from €6.99.
Disneyland Paris Haul

Disneyland Paris Haul
I got this great desk calendar for €9.99.
Disneyland Paris Haul
With my remaining money I just bought some sweets.  

Wow I cant believe I bought so much.  I really enjoyed my time in Disneyland Paris.  Look out for my trip post soon.

I bought these products with my own money


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