Zoya Nail Polish Haul

Zoya is my absolute favourite nail polish brand.  I love it.  I don't get to buy it often as it's quite expensive in the UK and not available is many shops in the US. So when I get a chance to buy some I generally go mad.  These are some that I recently purchased.
Zoya Nail Polish Haul
Colours Left - Right:
Ki - This is a gorgeous multichromatic oil-slick shade combining silver, purple, blue and green with a metallic finish.
Prim - This is a blue metallic colour
Oceane - This is a lovely turquoise colour with silver sparkles
Brigitte - This is a dusky pink colour which is one of my favourite colours at the moment
Faye - This is a pale purple with lovely golden sparkles
Autumn - This is a burnt orange metallic colour with sparkles

I also couldn't resist buying the Petals Full Collection Set for $40 which also came with a free nail polish remover, which sadly I couldn't fit in my case for the journey home.
Zoya Petals Full Collection Set
Colours Left - Right:
Leia - This is a sheer white colour with flecks of fuchsia, green and gold
Aster - This is a lovely lilac with flecks of fuchsia
Azalea - This is a hot pink with white and fuchsia flecks
Zahara - This is a coral with pink flecks
Tulip - This is a peachy pink with a hint of shimmer
Laurel - This is a pale pink with a hint of shimmer

I love these colours they are so great for summer.  They all needed 2 coats each but dried fairly quickly and look great. 

There are so many great offers on Zoya.com, so it's worth signing up for their email offers.  I bought the top set with a BOGOF offer so each polish only cost $5 which was a great bargain.   Both orders also had free postage.   They unfortunately don't deliver to the UK so I bought these using a service where you can have packages delivered to an address in Florida and then have them delivered to your hotel when you are on holiday which is a great idea.

What's your favourite Zoya nail polish?


I bought these products with my own money


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