Top 5 - Places I Want To Visit

I have been lucky enough to travel to a number of wonderful places over the last few years, some of which I have posted about here.  I didn't travel abroad until I was about 19 when I went to Corfu with my sister and friends and since then I haven't looked back.  I have mainly visited America over the years but I've been to a few other places as well.  The only down side to travelling for me is that I get travel sick which is awful and a big pain in the bum (first world problems and all I know). Other than that I really love to travel and there are so many places I would love to return to as well as places I haven't visited yet, but like most people it's having the time and mainly the money to be able to go on holiday (I keep hoping for that lottery win).  As I can't visit them at the moment I thought I would do a blog post on them and maybe it will inspire me to get my act together and make a plan to visit some of them soon. Here's the top 5 places I would like to visit.
Washington DC
Washington DC
I love watching shows like Scandal, Bones and The West Wing (when it was on a few years ago).  I think this is why I've been wanting to visit Washington DC. There's so much to see and do -  The White House, The Smithsonian Museums, Georgetown and the many monuments and government buildings. There seems to be loads to do there so it's a place I would like to visit at some point. 
Niagara Falls
Canada - Toronto & Vancouver
I've wanted to visit Canada for so long and I've heard such good things about Toronto and Vancouver so I would love to visit.  I have heard the food and shopping is great in Toronto and it would be rude not to visit Niagara Falls which is around a 90 minute drive away. I've put Vancouver on the list as a lot of films and TV shows are filmed over there and it looks like somewhere worth visiting.
San Francisco
San Francisco
There's plenty to see and do in San Francisco so I can't wait to visit.  I'm going back to LA this year so I may try to fit in a few days here as well as I've heard so many good things about it.  There's Alcatraz, The Golden Gate Bridge & Fisherman's Wharf. I've heard the food is great here as well.
Miami appears in loads of films and looks a fab place to visit.  It's got the sun, sand and sea, the Art Deco, it just looks so cool and I would love to visit.  I've heard it also has some great places to shop as well (do you sense a theme yet).
I have been on some really great City trips over the years such as New York, Paris & Rome, but I've never been to Spain so I thought it would be interesting to check out Barcelona.

Those are just a few of the places I would like to visit.  Do you have any recommendations of places to visit?



  1. I went to San Francisco a couple of years ago and confirm the good things you;ve heard about the food - I had the best breakfast of my life there! :)

  2. i would so love to travel but for health reasons i cannot

  3. Kelly thats great to hear about the food. Let me know where your had breakfast I would love to know.

  4. Beano54 Thanks for your comment sorry to hear that you can't travel, I hope things get better for you

  5. I have always wanted to visit Egypt, hope that some day I will. :)

  6. I would love to travel much more in America :)

  7. The only thing I dont like about travelling is getting travel sickness but its worth it go go to all these fantastic places.


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