My Challenges for 2015

I set myself some challenges back in 2014 and you can read my final update here. I have decided to set myself some more challenges for 2015, so here's the list of what I hope to achieve:
My Challenges for 2015
  1. Top of the list is to lose weight.  I set myself this target last year and whilst I did lose some weight, it wasn't anywhere near enough.  I did join a gym last year, so I am going in the right direction, but I am going to target myself with losing 2 stone this year and at least 1 dress size.
  2. I want to have 3 no spend months this year.  The no spends are on unnecessary items such as makeup, toiletries, clothes, shoes, accessories and jewellery.  It does not include food, drink, petrol or going out.
  3. I want to use up 10 makeup items.  I find that makeup is the hardest thing to use up, so I will pick 10 items to fully use up and list them in a separate post. This is like the Project 10 Pan Challenge that appeared on You Tube a few years ago.
  4. Go for a proper bra fitting.  This may not seem like much of a challenge, but I have never had a bra fitting, so I think I really should this year and find out if I am wearing the correct size bra.
  5. I want to improve the look of my teeth and I think I will start by trying to get them whiter.  I am going to try a few toothpastes and whitening strips to see if they make any difference and then if not I think I will look at having them professionally whitened.
  6. I have got to do something with my hair this year, as it just seems to be getting frizzier.  I am going to look into Brazilian Blowdrys and other straightening treatments and see what looks like the best option.
  7. I want to learn how to ski.  I have only been to an indoor ski slope once and I was not a natural talent by any means, but I see little kids swooping down the slope and I think if they can do it so can I, so I am going to give it another go this year.  I also want to have another go at Ice Skating as I walked past the Ice Rink outside the Natural History Museum in London a month ago and I really wanted to give it a go, but I didn't have the time.
  8. Have false eyelashes put on professionally, because I have always wanted to try that out.
  9. Improve the condition of my nails as they are in really bad condition at the moment so they definitely need some TLC.
  10. Find a hairdresser that I really like and go more regularly.
I will post a quarterly update to let you know how the challenge is going and a final update in December 2015, to see how many of the challenges I finished.  

What are your challenges and goals for 2015?



  1. Looks like you have some great goals for 2015. I don't usually talk about a "losing weight" goal but I have some events in April that I'd like to shed a few pounds for. :-)

    Beauty Isles | An Island Girl's Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  2. i only have one challenge which is to read more books

  3. Great challenges, we share a couple of the same ones. :) My main challenge is to exercise more, not so much to lose weight, but to get up and do something for my body as I spend most of the days sitting down at work and I really should do something about that.


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