Baby Lips, Color Whisper and GlamShine Stain Splash Review

My friend in Canada sent me a few make up items recently which I thought I would review.  Heres a photo of some of the things she sent me.

Apologies, this photo is upside down for some reason, but I can't rotate it :(
Heres a swatch of the lip products.

Left to Right - Color Whisper, GlamShine & Baby Lips

First up is Maybelline Color Whisper in Pin Up Peach.  First of all I should say that I don't think Color Whispers are available in the UK yet.  Pin Up Peach is a gorgeous pinky coral colour.  It goes on like a Revlon Lip Butter, really soft.  Its really shiny, more of a gloss than a lipstick.  I really like this product and will definitely pick up more when they arrive in the UK.
Next up is L'Oreal GlamShine Stain Splash (bit of a mouthful, but thats what its called on Boots website).  Mine is in Stubborn Plum, which I can't find at Boots, but maybe the name is different over here.  This is a light plummy pink colour.  Its a very sheer gloss and like its name suggests it leaves a stain on the lips.  I swatched this on my arm for the photo then washed it off and the stain was still there the next morning so it does live up to its name.  These are £7.99 at Boots and are currently included on the 3 for 2 offer.  Again, I really like this product and it doesn't feel sticky on my lips.  It does need reapplying often to keep the gloss element, but at least the stain is there if you forget.  This is supposed to be a dupe for a YSL lip gloss stain, although I can't comment on that as I don't have any to compare it with.  I think I will buy another one, maybe in a sheer red colour.
The last of the lip products is the Maybelline Baby Lips SPF 20 Lip Balm in Cherry Me.  I love, love, love this product.  Its just arrived in the UK and is a bargain at £2.99 and Boots is doing a 3 for 2 offer at the moment.  I think I will pick up the other colours tomorrow, so expect another haul soon.  This smells of cherries (yum!) and is a gorgeous sheer cherry red colour.  It almost looks like you have been eating cherries and the juice has stained your lips.  I cannot recommend this product more.  Its cheap and it also has SPF included.  Whats not to love.
Finally, I also received a beautiful blush.  Its by Physicians Formula (which I think I have only ever seen sold in TK Maxx) and its called the Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Blush.  This is so pretty, it has a mix of pink tones in lots of lovely little heart shapes.  Its says on the box that it is infused with a Happy Boost Blend featuring Happy Skin and Euphoryl, natural plant extracts, which have been shown to promote a feeling of happiness by mimicking the effect of endorpins.  I can't say whether this is true as I haven't tried it out yet (its just too pretty to spoil), but expect a review in the next few months.
I am so pleased with all these products and I am looking forward to going to America in Autumn, so I can pick up loads more products to try out.
Has anyone tried the Baby Lips yet?
Remember to check out my giveway which is open to the first 25 followers.  There are some great EOS and Bath & Body Works products to win.
Have a great weekend.


  1. i love loreal glam shine :)


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