Aldi Lacura 100% Vegan Deodorant Review

Aldi is fast becoming one of my favourite places to stock up on everyday toiletries.  I do prefer a stick deodorant, so I picked up these 3 100% vegan Lacura deodorants from Aldi. They are aluminium, alcohol and dye free and 90% naturally derived.  They cost £2.99 each for 50g & the packaging is recyclable. There are 3 varieties - Coconut & Vanilla which has a lovely rich creamy scent, Mango for those who like a fruity fragrance and Cucumber & mint which strangely has a more masculine aftershave vibe. They all contain a blend of naturally derived shea butter, coconut oil and sunflower seed oil. These deodorants help to neutralise odour and condition the skin to keep you fresh all day. I thought they worked really well and also kept my armpits nicely moisturised. Not bad for the price.

Aldi Lacura 100% Vegan Deodorant Review


I purchased this product with my own money


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