*ZeroWater 12 Cup Ready Pour Pitcher Water Filter Jug Review

*I received this product for free but the opinions are my own. I have recycled for as long as I can remember, but as a recycler I had never really thought about what happened to the items I recycled such as plastic bottles. I have never liked to drink tap water and have always bought bottled water for the gym and for taking to work, but it's only when you see the damage plastic does to the environment, especially the ocean and the animals that live there, that you realise just recycling isn't enough. I want to make the effort to drink more water, but at the same time I do not want to add to the single use plastic that is out there already. I was recently offered the chance to try out ZeroWater 12 Cup Ready Pour Pitcher Water Filter Jug* which is a great alternative to bottled water. It's so easy to use you just remove the lid and screw in the filter, fill the reservoir with cold water and let all the water pass through the filter the first time yo...