No Spend February 2022

I know I'm late to the party as people did no spend January but with sales and other things I didn't want to do January and decided to start it in February instead.  So lets see how far into February I can get without spending any money.  This doesn't include weekly food shopping, petrol, parking etc, but does include non essentials like takeaways, new clothes, makeup, junk food and sweets, that sort of thing. I am going to try and keep a record of everything I do spend on non essentials and see what it adds up to at the end of the month.

No Spend February
Ways to save money this month:

  • Shop my stash - use my existing toiletries, clothes, food etc. I have a massive stash, so this shouldn't be too hard.
  • Make use of the things that I pre-pay for every month - gym, cinema, Netflix and Amazon Prime (I've already cancelled Disney+ as I struggle to make use of all the ones that I pay for so I am going to use Netflix and Amazon Prime as much as possible right now and then cancel Netflix and resubscribe to Disney+ again later in the year).
  • If I do fall off the wagon and spend money, then I will try and make the money back by selling my unwanted items on eBay, Depop & Vinted.
  • Sign up for freebies where ever possible - there are usually samples available on Facebook and I have also signed up for Marie Claire Drawer & Influenster.
I will post at the end of February to let you know how I've done.



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