Life in lockdown Part 5 - The Never Ending Story

I can't believe it's June already. Where has the time gone, it is just flying by so quickly which is strange as we haven't been able to do that much in lockdown.   I'm sure most of us would have holidays booked or have already been on holiday but hopefully we can get back to that soon  I definitely can't wait to go abroad again where my biggest worry is what to do that day.   Who knows what the future holds but hopefully with vaccinations now available there is light at the end of the tunnel.  

I seem to have lost all my motivation over the last couple of months, I don't know if it was the rubbish weather in May or what but this last couple of weeks of brilliant sunshine it just seems easier to do things again.  I definitely enjoy these lighter nights as I feel like I can get much more done.

Anyway I thought I would catch up on what I have been up to since my last post.  I must admit that when the lockdown eased a little I did go shopping and bought a fair few things that I didn't need but it felt good to treat myself a little bit after so long stuck mostly at home.  I did go at quieter times though so it wasn't overcrowded and I tend to wear my mask even when I'm outside when I'm in busy places.  I might post a few of my hauls soon so look out for them.  

I also got gel extensions done for the first time to check if I was comfortable with them as I want to get them done for my sisters wedding if that ever happens (she's currently on her 3rd date so hopefully it will happen this summer).
I have also been watching some great shows on Netflix.  I have found out how totally lazy I really am as Netflix has an option for them  to choose what you watch next based on what you have watched previously and liked.  The first show that came up for me was Shadow and Bone which is based on a fantasy book series.  I wasn't expecting to like it but I ended up really getting into it so I would recommend checking it out.  The next film it picked out for me was Army of the Dead which I wasn't really fussed about.  So it doesn't work every time but as the alternative is me flicking through Netflix for ages not picking anything to watch and ending up watching more trailers then anything else having Netflix choose something for me saves me some time.
I've enjoyed a couple of meals out since restaurants have reopened which has been nice and I have just been to the cinema for the first time in 18 months to see Cruella which was a really good film.  I really enjoyed being back in a cinema where you can immerse yourself in a movie.  There were only 6 of us watching the film, so we were spaced out really well.  I cant wait to see the next Fast & Furious film in a couple of weeks.   I also went to the Kitty Cafe in Leeds which was great the kittens were sooo cute and the food was lovely.

My diet is going pretty well so far.  I'm going slow and steady so I'm not losing loads of weight each week but I'm happy as long as it's going the right way even if its only losing 1lb a week.  So far I have lost 2 stone which I'm really happy about and I think I could do to lose at least another stone if not 2.  It is getting a bit harder with restaurants opening but I'm finding that as long as I stick to the diet most days then going out for a meal once a week is fine.  I will post a bit more on my weight loss journey soon.

I haven't really done loads of things on my to do list but one of the things I managed to knock off was tidying up the garage. It's one of those garages that has never had a car inside it but is just a dumping ground for all my crap.  It was time to tidy it up and aside from avoiding the spiders it wasn't too bad.  Although it is tidier than it was I now have to take donations to the charity shops, sell some stuff on ebay (I might also try Facebook Market Place which I haven't used before) or just take some stuff to the tip so I have managed to increase my to do list.  There's more to do but I'm surprised at how much I have already done.  

Finally I got my first vaccine which I was really pleased about.  It was quick and painless and other than a slight headache and arm ache was no bother at all so I can't wait to get my second one out of the way.

What's next for me?  Well at the moment I am back in the office for work some weeks although not every week which is great as it's nice to see work colleagues but I have liked working from home and saving time and money not travelling.  I want to finish sorting out the garage and maybe look at redecorating the kitchen but I don't think that will happen anytime soon.  I do want to be more organised with this blog but life just got in the way the last couple of months.  I'm also really hoping to meet up with some friends and visit my sister  soon as well.  

So plenty to look forward to but I really wish one of them was a holiday but I'm waiting to see what happens with the next couple of months before I risk booking anything so fingers crossed it's good news.  I think it will be a staycation this year, rather than abroad, but theres lots to do in the UK so I am looking forward to getting out and about some more this year.



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