Reusable Stainless Steel and Glass Straws from Poundland

Another step in being more sustainable is moving to reusable straws.  I wouldn't say I use straws loads as I wouldn't use a straw for a hot drink and I usually drink from cans but I should try to use them more as I want to try and protect my teeth from damage as I do drink a lot of Pepsi Max (but that's a whole other story).  

I saw these stainless steel and glass reusable straws at Poundland for £1 each (obviously) and thought they were worth a try.

Reusable Stainless Steel and Glass Straws
The stainless steel ones are all identical with the bend at the top.   They come in packs of 4 and they can be used with hot or cold drinks and a cleaning brush is included.  Cleaning them is easy, you just hand wash them using the cleaning brush which takes a couple of minutes max.  They are hand wash only so can't be put in the dishwasher.  It does advise you to take care using it with hot drinks as the straw may become hot but as I mentioned before I don't really see the need to use them with hot drinks and in all fairness I don't drink tea or coffee, its just the odd hot chocolate for me.
Reusable Stainless Steel and Glass Straws
The glass version has 2 straws with the bend and 2 straight straws.    They come with the same instructions as the stainless steel version although it does tell you to check to make sure there are no breakages each time you use them.  The benefit of the glass version is when you are cleaning them you can tell when they are clean unlike the stainless steel version but other than that it is just your preference.   I prefer the stainless steel ones as you know they can't break but that's the only reason.
Reusable Stainless Steel and Glass Straws
Both of these boxes of straws are very handy (and cheap) so there is no excuse to use plastic straws anymore.  You can take the stainless steel version out and about with you so you don't need a plastic straw at any point.    I also like that they come in a cardboard box that you can recycle and there is no plastic at all on the packaging.

All in all I think these are a great product at a great price and now there is no excuse for me to use plastic straws again.


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