*ColdZyme - A Product That Fights Against The Common Cold

*I received this product for free but the opinions are my own.

I don't know about you, but with everything in the world being about Covid-19 right now, I have almost forgotten about the common cold.  Coming into winter is a time when I usually suffer from colds the most and when I suffer from colds, I just want to crawl into bed and sleep until it's over with.  Being that we can't go out much at the moment, I have to say that I haven't really had many colds this year, but when I felt the first telltale symptoms that a cold was brewing (scratchy throat, runny nose that sort of thing), I reached for ColdZyme which is a product that can help prevent or shorten a common cold.  Since I have been using this product, I haven't suffered from a full blown cold at all.

ColdZyme - A Product That Fights Against The Common Cold

ColdZyme - A Product That Fights Against The Common Cold

ColdZyme is a mouth spray that fights the cold virus which is the cause of a common cold. The mouth spray is so easy to use, you simply open your mouth and aim the nozzle of the spray towards your throat then press on the pump and spray 2 times every 2 hours up to 6 times daily.  It works by forming a protective barrier on the mucous membrane of the throat making it more difficult for the cold virus to cause illness.

You can read more about ColdZyme here.  It comes in 2 sizes, 7ml (£10.99) and 20ml (17.50) and can be bought at Boots.  You can also find this product at Morrisons Pharmacy, your local pharmacy or even on Amazon

This is a really useful product to have to stop a cold in it's tracks and it is also recommended to use when you have a big event coming up, such as a wedding, exam or you are travelling, to prevent a cold getting in the way and spoiling your day.



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