*BIOGLAN Red Krill Oil 1000mg MAX Strength Supplement Review

  *I received this product for free but the opinions are my own.

BIOGLAN Red Krill Oil 1000mg MAX Strength Supplement

I was recently invited to try out the BIOGLAN Red Krill Oil 1000mg MAX Strength Supplements*. Part of the review was to undertake a blood test at the beginning and end of the 2 month trial in order to monitor any increases in my Omega-3 levels after taking the supplements.

BIOGLAN Red Krill Oil 1000mg MAX Strength Supplement

Krill Oil is more efficient than many other sources of Omega-3's.  These supplements contain pure Krill Oil sourced from the waters of the Antartic Ocean and is fully traceable and sustainable as certified by the Marine Stewardship Council. Krill Oil is naturally high in Omega-3 fatty acids and rich in Astaxanthin which is responsible for the red colour of the oil.

Each capsule of Red Krill Oil 1000mg contains a highly absorbable form of DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) to help support brain function and vision. The EPA (Eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA  together in Red Krill Oil help support the heart function.

You need to take 1 capsule per day with water after food.


My first test indicated that I was 3.68% on the Omega-3 Index.  As a guide an Omega-3 index in the range of 8-12% is an indication of better overall health. To be honest I wasn't shocked that I was so low on the index on account of a pretty unhealthy diet during lockdown and my diet not consisting of foods rich in Omega-3 like oily fish such as salmon and mackerel.

2 months later I took my second test and I had moved up to 4.21% on the index.  I know this isn't a huge leap, but at least it's going in the right direction and going forward I am going to increase my intake of oily fish and continue on with the supplements.

These supplements cost £39.99 for a 30 day supply and can be purchased here.  It can also be purchased from Holland and Barrett here.



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