Jolen Creme Bleach Review

I have been given the opportunity to try out  Jolen Creme Bleach*.  This is a product that lightens excess dark hair on your face.  I don't have lots of facial hair but just the odd dark hair around the lip line or chin (no idea where they come from, one minute they are not there and the next yikes!), so this was a product I was interested in trying out.
Jolen Creme Bleach

It is really easy to use just wash the area you want to bleach with soap and cold water and pat dry. Measure out the appropriate amount of product which is clearly detailed in the instructions.  You then apply the mixture to the area you want to bleach, covering the hair completely,  Leave for 8 minutes and remove with the spatula.  If the hair is not completely bleached reapply the mixture for another 5-10 minutes and then wash area with cold water.

I must admit that as the word bleach is in the product name I was really worried it would be quite harsh on my face, but I didn't notice it on at all.    I found this product quick and easy to use and pain free.

I think this is a useful product if you have a lot of dark facial hair or even for those of you with small amounts.

Jolen Creme Bleach is currently £11 for 125ml at boots.  There is a smaller version which is £4.35 for 30ml.   There is also a mild version of this product as well.

*I was sent this product to review, but the opinions are my own.


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