Lazy Girls Guide to..... Nails

So I'll admit that  although I have a lot of make up, nail polish and beauty products, I am a pretty lazy person and the majority of the time I either don't wear make up or wear minimal makeup.  The choice between getting up earlier for work to apply make up or have extra time in bed is an easy one for me. Even painting my nails is a chore as I am not patient enough to wait for my nails to dry, so inevitably I always spoil at least one nail before I go out. 

I don't have the best nails and I never have the time to get my nails done professionally.  When I have attempted to wear false nails in the past I have always  been worried about them popping off, which always seemed to happen to me.  Anyway the point of this post (I will get there eventually) is to say that I have found some nails that are not only easy and quick to put on, but they actually stay on as well. 
Elegant Touch Express 3 minute Manicures
Elegant Touch Express 3 minute Manicures are great.  They really are easy to put on and just take minutes (and I am all fingers and thumbs when doing things like this).  The nails themselves are pre-glued so after wiping each nail with the nail wipe that's included,  all you need to do is remove the backing from the glue and place the nail on.  I did my nails in 3 minutes and they looked great.  They felt secure all night so I wasn't worried about them falling off.   I tend to do that annoying thing of checking my nails constantly to make sure they are still secure which no doubt makes they more likely to fall off, but in all the times I have used these nails none have fallen off.  I tend to wear them for a day and take them off before going to bed but you can wear them longer.  They are also easy to remove. 

They come in a great range of styles and colours and  currently cost £7.99.  I did manage to get a few recently that cost less than £1 each from Superdrug which was a fab find that I wrote about here.

What products can you recommend for a lazy girl like me?


I bought these products with my own money


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