Give and Makeup and Other Interesting Blog Posts

I just wanted to highlight a couple of posts from other bloggers just in case they have passed you by.  First up is Give and Makeup from Caroline Hirons.  Caroline is currently running the Shoebox Campaign 2016 where you fill a box with gifts suitable for children which will be given to children who probably won't be expecting to receive much on Christmas day.  You can read full details about the campaign here.  You needn't spend much you could pick up lots of little items from the poundshop if you don't have a lot of spare cash, but every little helps.

Give and Makeup is there to help women and children who have been the victims of domestic violence and throughout the year they welcome donations of new or lightly used makeup, toiletries and clothes.  Further details can be found at the bottom of the page here.

I also want to highlight a post from British Beauty Blogger concerning what to do in the event of you choking, or witnessing someone else choking.  It's well worth knowing this information as it could save your or someone else's life.  I recently had to use the Heimlich Manoeuvre on a family member, so I speak from experience.

Please let me know if you read any interesting blog posts that you want to share with everyone.



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