Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit Review

I recently received Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit* to try out.  It's a peroxide free home teeth whitening kit. 
Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit Review
The packaging states that you will see immediate results after the first 5 minutes, and up to 9 shades whiter in just 7 days.  Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System also works on all tooth surfaces including natural teeth, caps, crowns, veneers, dentures and bonding.
Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit Review
It's really easy to use, you take one of the swaps and gently push the swab down into the liquid filled base, until a small amount of the product comes through the tip of the swab.  You then apply a small amount of the liquid onto the surface of all the teeth to be whitened and gently rub each tooth in a circular motion for 10-20 seconds with the swab.  Once you have done this on all the teeth you want to whiten you rinse out your mouth with warm water. 
Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit Review
I found this product really easy to use and I did not get any sensitivity with my teeth.  The product does not have a bad taste which is something I have noticed on other whitening products I have tried. I really like that it's a 7 day system and only takes 10-20 seconds per tooth to 5 minutes to cover all teeth.

I thought this product was great to use to improve the appearance of your teeth.    With Christmas parties coming up it's definitely something to help you look and feel your best.

Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System Kit is currently £30 at Boots.


*I received this product free to review but the opinions are my own


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