Origins Offer - 8 Free Samples with £8 Purchase

If you love Origins, or are interested in trying out some of their products, then now is a great time.  If you buy the Masks To Go (4 travel sized pods of Origins Clear Improvement Face Mask) which costs £8, you will receive a free sample of Modern Friction (15ml).  In addition, if you enter the offer code TAKE5 at the checkout, you will receive an additional 5 samples:
  • Make A Difference Rejuvenating Moisturizer (1.5ml)
  • Original Skin Renewal Serum (5ml)
  • Plantscription Anti-Aging Cleanser (7ml)
  • Plantscription Anti-Aging Treatment Lotion (7ml)
  • GinZing Refreshing Face Mask (7ml)
As if that wasn't enough you can also choose 2 additional sachet samples free with your order and postage and packing is also free.
Origins Offer - 8 Free Samples with £8 Purchase
Photo from website
The free Modern Friction face scrub 15ml with any Masks To Go set purchase is available while supplies last or until 22.03.15 at 11.58PM. No offer code required.

Five free samples with any purchase at is available while supplies last or until 22.03.15 at 11.58PM. Offer code TAKE5 required. 

I have already placed my order, are you tempted?

This is not a sponsored post.


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