Book Review - Deliciously Ella by Ella Woodward & The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo

I haven't written a book review before, usually because I buy books at charity shops and they are not very uptodate, but I wanted to highlight a couple of new books that I recently purchased as I am finding them very helpful in my quest to eat healthier and declutter my life.
Deliciously Ella by Ella Woodward & The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo

First of all there is Deliciously Ella. Ella Woodward writes one of my favourite healthy food blogs and she has now written a book full of more healthy recipes. To get a taster of what’s in the book just visit the Deliciously Ella blog. I am not much of a cook, but these recipes are so easy to follow and the results are fab. I am a bit of a junk food and chocolate addict, but even I am happy to switch out sweets and treats for Ellas raw brownies or chocolate mousse. Much of the ingredients are items that I have never bought before and I do have to visit health food shops to stock up which can be expensive, but it’s all used in so many of the recipes that it's worth the initial outlay. I love the different smoothie recipes as well, which make for a quick, easy and healthy breakfast. The book is currently £7.99 on Amazon (£7.49 on Kindle), which I think is great value.

The second book that I am reading is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo. I am not a tidy person and I do like to hoard things (clothes, books, shoes, toiletries and makeup, cds and dvds.  You name it, I have too much of it. This book gives tips on how to store all these things and part ways with anything that does not bring joy to your life (sounds a bit weird I know). So far I have used this method to tidy my clothes and it’s just so nice to be able to look in my cupboards and drawers and see all my clothes, rather than the ones that end up at the front or top of the pile. 

It’s now very clear to me that I do not need to purchase any pjs or t-shirts for a very long time. It does take a while to sort everything out and fold everything in a different way, but it’s well worth it and the book also helps you decide what stuff is worth keeping and what stuff needs to go. I have to say that I can’t get rid of as much stuff as the book suggests, because I can’t help but think of all the money that has been spent along the way, but it’s definitely a new and helpful way of thinking. The book is available on Amazon for £7.69 (£7.31 on Kindle).

I bought these books with my own money


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