Must Have Ideas Product Review - Fur Friend & Data Defender

It wasn't too long ago I was saying that I wasn't buying much at all but recently I seem to be buying loads of stuff. I saw a post on Facebook about the online company Must Have Ideas and couldn't resist picking up a couple of products. You know those type of products that you don't know you need until you see them and then you can't stop yourself picking them up (I must admit that I had a couple more items in my basket but as I had never heard of the company before buying these items, I was a bit wary about spending too much. I only bought 2 items this time but I was tempted with a few more which I might go back and purchase at a later date. Fur Friend - Currently on offer for £12.99 with a free travel size version As an owner of 2 cats I have a house that is covered in cat fur. It is impossible to get rid of and even worse I tend to wear dark clothes so there are always cat hairs stuck on me when I'm out and about. I love them to death, but honestly th...