My Slimming World Journey - Month Two

So it’s month 2 of my Slimming Word Journey (read about Month One here) and surprisingly it’s still going well.  I think I mentioned in my previous email that I haven’t dieted before other than maybe cutting out cans of Pepsi in January and then inevitably drinking double the amount in February or cutting down on the amount of chocolate I eat but then bingeing on chocolate the next day.  Slimming World has been a revelation for me as I don’t feel like I’m on a diet as the food I’m eating is really nice and there is plenty of it. 
Slimming World
So far I have lost over 1 stone in 8 weeks.  This is a combination of  changing what I eat as well as increasing the amount of exercise that I do.  I now try and go out for a 30 min walk most days and with the mild weather we have had so far this year it’s been easy to fit in these walks after work.  I haven’t been sticking to the Slimming World plan all the time as I am still going out for meals on a regular basis and as it’s Easter I have been partaking in more than my fair share of Easter Eggs (they are only available 4 months of the year so I buy the £1 ones at Asda on the run up and eat them gradually over a few weeks whoops).  Even though I haven’t stuck to it every day most weeks I have still lost some weight even if it’s only a little bit.  I think just adding in the daily walks is what’s really helping me though and that’s why I’m able to still go for meals out without putting on any weight.  
So how has Month Two gone:
Weight Lost – 1 stone 3 lbs -6lbs since last month so not as much as last month but I'm still happy with that weight loss
Inches Around Belly Lost  – 4 inches -1 inch since last month
Favourite Treat – Options White Chocolate Hot Chocolate which is 2 syns
Favourite Meal – Slimming World Meatballs and Pasta with spicey tomato sauce frozen meal from Iceland Syn Free
Blockers to losing weight – Still going out for meals and eating Easter Eggs. I’m not going to stop going out for meals but the Easter Eggs will be finished soon so that should help

I can’t recommend the Slimming World meals enough they are £3 - £3.50 each (if you buy 3 you usually get a soup or side dish free) and I share each meal between 2 (even though they are meant for 1 person but the portions are huge) I think they are really good value.

So I’m really pleased with how it’s going and I am going to continue trying to follow the Slimming World plan and hopefully by summer I will have lost at least 2 stones although my target is 4 stones by the end of the year.  I haven’t made any of the meals from scratch yet although I have bought some of the Slimming World books and I may try some out, but I am finding the frozen meals at Iceland and the dupes at Aldi’s very good so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on variety.
Well that's month two out of the way.  I will post another update in a months’ time.



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