Money Saving Tips - Tastecard

If like me you like to eat out a lot then this card could be a good option for you as you can get 2 for 1 or 50% off meals at a large number of restaurants. I have had a card for a few years now and it has helped save me money each time I visit restaurants that accept the card and enabled me to visit them more often. The yearly fee is £79.99 but I have never paid that much. When renewal comes around they always offer a discount so I think most years I have paid between £30-40 for the card. You can also sign up for a 60 day trial for £1 and if you want to renew at the end of the 60 days it currently costs £39.99 for the year. More details of the prices are located at . I use it at the following restaurants: Pizza Express The card is really easy to use here. You don't have to book in advance (although it does say to book on the tastecard site but I haven't had any problems before), you just need to let them know you want to use ...