A Few of My Favourite Things - January

Here are a few of my favourite things in January. TV - The Goldbergs I highly recommend binge watching this series about the 80's. It's like reliving your childhood if you were a teenager back then. If you remember the big hair and bad fashion as well as the New Kids on the Block, Christian Slater and the Goonies this is for you. The best thing is that this is based on the life of the producer and at the end of the show you are treated to an actual home video that relates to the episode you have just watched. If you think the show isn't realistic then this will show you that some of this actually happened to him and his family in real life. You really couldn't make this stuff up. Charity Shops - why didn't I find out about these gems sooner. I have found some cracking bargains including a Fossil bag for £6, a Diesel bag for £3, some Gap ballet flats for 50p, a Bench jacket for £1 and a Weird Fish winter jacket for a mere £7, to name but a...