Ojon Rare Blend Tamer Wand Review

Here's my review on the Ojon Rare Blend Tamer Wand. 
Ojon Rare Blend Tamer Wand Review
I am trying to search out products that help with my curly, frizzy unruly hair and I really think I have found something that does.  So often you read about products and think they sound perfect for your needs, but the reality is that a lot of the time, you end up being disappointed.  

The Ojon Rare Blend Tamer Wand is really easy to use, almost like a mascara wand for your hair.  I usually end up with some short strands of hair around my hairline, frizzing up by the end of the day and nothing really seems to flatten them down for any decent length of time.  I just comb this through the front and side bits of my hair and the gel like liquid flattens the frizzy bits and they stay that way for the rest of the day.  It doesn't leave my hair looking greasy and it doesn't leave any flaky bits in my hair.

It costs £12.50 for 13ml at Boots, which sounds like a lot, but a little goes a long way and I think it will last a couple of months at least.  It's slightly bigger than a mascara, so it's easy to carry around in your bag for a touch up if you are planning on heading out straight from work.  It's not often that a product goes straight on my holy grail list, but this is one of them.

I bought this with my own money


  1. I spotted this in Boots & am tempted as I love Ojon anyway, but as you say it's quite expensive. Sounds good though! :) x

  2. I've used the John Frieda one and I think it is great!

  3. Thanks for letting me know about the Frizz Ease one, as I didn't know about it. Its slightly cheaper and on 3 for 2 at Boots at the moment so I will try it out to see if its as good as the Ojon one.

    Hi Lisa thanks for your comment


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