Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been all over the place recently and I think I first heard about it on Pinksofoxys You Tube channel.  There are so many uses for this oil and since I have been suffering from sensitive skin of late I definitely wanted to try it.  Its quite expensive so I took advantage of the recent Holland & Barrett Penny Sale.  This is where you buy one product and get any other product included in the penny sale for 1p.  You just pay for the most expensive product.  I bought 2 jars of coconut oil for a total of £15 as my sister wanted a jar as well, so we split the cost.
Some of the things that you can use this oil for include:
  1. Cleanser
  2. Hair serum
  3. Hair treatment
  4. Cuticle oil & hand cream
  5. Shaving legs
  6. Bath Oil
  7. Makeup remover
  8. Use to make a body scrub
  9. Face & body moisturiser
  10. You can even use it as cooking oil, although since I can't cook very well I don't think that I will be testing this out
The jars are 454g in size and its 100% natural, raw coconut oil.
If you have any other uses for coconut oil let me know.


  1. I didn't know coconut oil was so versatile, I thought it was just for the hair! I'd love to try some of this out, you got so much for so little too x


  2. i really want to get some and use it as a body moisturiser!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc

    ps. enter my new giveaway to win a Chanel A/W cream blush! click here

  3. Thanks for your comments guys. I will check out your blogs :)Leighlee


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