I've finally found a diet that works for me - Slim Fast & Slimming World

Yes, it's true, I will say it again, I have finally found a diet that works for me. Stop me if you have heard this one before, but the secret to losing weight is basically eat less and exercise more (mind blown!!!). It's taken me a long time to really commit to that, but I finally have and I have already lost 5 pounds in the first week. I have always been reluctant to calorie count as I thought it would be adding an extra complication into my life, but after years of being overweight and trying to diet here and there, I have finally worked out a plan that is easy to incorporate into my daily life. It started when I was flipping through channels on TV and came across 'Lose a stone in 4 weeks', where participants tried different diets for a month in the hopes of hitting the target of 1 stone weight loss. There were loads of different diets to choose from and it was an interesting watch, with some diets that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole but others t...