COSRX Blackhead Silk Finger Ball
I recently purchased a packet of COSRX Blackhead Silk Finger Balls from Cult Beauty. I had a noticeable blackhead on the tip of my nose for ages that I couldn't get rid of, every time I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but obsess over how big it was (although I am sure no one else noticed it). When I saw the COSRX Blackhead Silk Finger Balls on Cult Beauty (£8 for 12), I thought it couldn't hurt to give them a try. They are bizarre looking things, but they are made with 100% natural cocoons which helps to exfoliate damp skin cells and blackheads around the nose and mouth area. Simply soften the finger ball by soaking it in warm water for a couple of minutes, then place it on your fingertip and gently massage it over your nose and around your mouth. You can then rinse them and reuse them a couple more times, although I prefer to just use them once. I noticed a difference straight away. The noticeable blackhead that was slightly larger than...